We made these orange peel beeswax candles to celebrate Summer Solstice. We love to make candles for every Solstice or Equinox. We then light the candles are read a story. These orange peel candles were very simple to make!
calendula flowers (optional, you can make them without or add any loose leaf tea)
- Boil water in a pot, then add beeswax to your double boiler. If you don’t have a double boiler, you can use any stainless steel bowl. Be very careful removing it as to not let water in or burn yourself.
- Cut the oranges in half. Use a knife around the edge to remove the orange from the peel. For the candle with the little sun in the middle, I didn’t remove the orange. The orange naturally had that shape when I cut it in half, so I went with it!
- Put a wick in your orange. Prop it up so it doesn’t fall in.
- Once the beeswax is melted, pour into your oranges.
- Sprinkle calendula flowers on top.
- Let harden.