As child-led homeschoolers, we love to utilize board games in our homeschool. Board games provide an opportunity for connection, collaboration, and family bonding. Board games are a great tool to have, especially on rainy days. These board games will help your child build essential fine motor skills in a fun and engaging way. Fine motor skills refer to the coordination and control of small muscles, particularly those in the hands and fingers. These skills are essential in developing the hand muscles needed in handwriting.
The Sneaky, Snacky Squirrel Game – Squeezing the Sneaky Squirrel and transferring the acorns to the logs help develop fine motor skills and hand strength.
Hoppy Floppys Happy Hunt Game – Essentially the same game as above, but with a Easter bunny theme.
Feed Fuzzy – Squeezing fuzzy and feeding him acorns will help your child develop hand strength.
Lite Brite – A classic toy for a reason! This game will help your child develop the pincer grasp.
The Fuzzies – Like Jenga, but fuzzy! This game will help your child develop the pincer grasp.
Noodle Knockout – Use the tweezers to grab ingredients for the perfect ramen!
Dreaming Dragon – Use tweezers to grab lizards off the sleeping dragon! Not only will this game help with fine motor skills, it also helps develop hand-eye cordination and spatial awareness.
Avalanche Fruit Stand – Another fun tweezer game!

I Spy Dig In – This fun fast paced game will help your child improve the pincer grasp, hand-eye coordination and spatial awareness.
Brio Labyrinth Take Along – This portable marble maze will help your child improve spatial awareness and critical thinking skills.
Squid Squish – Race to squish the squids! This game is a fun way to develop hand-eye cordination and color matching.
Heap-O-Sheep – Catapult sheep and fling them to a field! This fun game uses a unique velcro mechanic.
Pigs on Trampolines – Throw pigs on trampolines and let them fly! This game incorporates strategy and hand-eye coordination.
Still looking for more? Check out our blog post about tools and toys for fine motor skills.
Looking for a fun card game to play with your nature-loving kids? Check out Acorn to Oak’s educational card game Pocket Forest!