Acorn to Oak

Acorn to Oak is a nature based, Waldorf-inspired curriculum. Acorn to Oak offers nature studies and homeschool resources designed to be taught to sibling groups of varying ages.
Alphabet Forest
Alphabet Forest is Acorn to Oak’s Early Years Curriculum. This curriculum can be used from the early years of toddlerhood into first grade. The curriculum is designed to be utilized by family members of varying ages, or repeated through several years as the child grows. The introduction of Alphabet Forest introduces the concepts of setting up your learning space, creating a family rhythm, how to read to children, suggested materials, and recipes for block crayons and moldable beeswax. For each letter, you are given songs, a suggested book list, morning baskets, poetry, finger plays, letter drawings for both upper and lowercase, characters which represent the letter, letter building practice, nature crafts, guided nature walks, recipes, yoga poses, a prompted drawing, and phonics practice. The curriculum is fully illustrated. The digital curriculum is priced at $100. The printed curriculum is priced at $125.
Kinder Forest
Alphabet Forest is Acorn to Oak’s Kindergarten – Grade One Curriculum. Each nature lesson is experienced through poetry, art, whole body movements, nature crafts, fine motor activities, finger plays and recipes. Acorn to Oak has created a new method of teaching reading called the Rhythmic Reading Method. In the Rhythmic Reading Method, children learn to read using real-world text and poetry. There is no transition between reading levels. The child reads real poetry from the start. Rhythmic Reading is taught in combination with phonics with sight words, setting the foundation for fully understanding our written language and how it functions. The Rhythmic Reading method combines the child’s natural curiosity and captures them with engaging text. The child learns to read new words intuitively, and is given the opportunity to become a natural reader from the very start of their reading journey. The digital curriculum is priced at $125. The printed curriculum is priced at $150.
Oak Meadow

Oak Meadow is a curriculum that spans from preschool to grade 12. Oak Meadow, like many of the curriculums mentioned here, is Waldorf-inspired but not strictly Waldorf.
Oak Meadow’s preschool curriculum does not teach the letters, which is traditionally not taught in Waldorf until age 7, or until the child’s first baby teeth fall out. Season’s of Wonder focuses on seasonal storytelling, verses, music and play. You will be provided games to play, songs to sing, stories to tell and recipes to bake. At the time of writing this article, the full preschool curriculum is priced at $151. The Coursebook, which can be purchased separately, is priced at $75. The craft kit, which is an optional set of materials used for the crafts and activities in the course book, is priced at $205.
In Oak Meadow’s Kindergarten Curriculum, the child will learn the uppercase letters, letter sounds, numbers 1-10, patterns, nature study, emotions, shapes, health, and counting. The day may start with a morning circle with a verse, song or finger play provided. In Language Arts the child will be introduced an uppercase letter with a story. With each letter, movement games and explorations are also given. Math will be incorporated in everyday activities, such as in cooking or play. Science will also be learned naturally through observations made in nature. Art is taught through crafts, movement and music. In Health, the child will learn about their growing body and how to take care of it. At the time of writing this article, the full Kindergarten curriculum package is $610. The Kindergarten Coursebook Package, excluding the Health curriculum and teacher guides is priced at $405.
First Grade
In Oak Meadow’s Grade One Curriculum, the child will learn upper and lowercase letters, phonics, handwriting, science through nature studies, math, social studies (which includes history, geography, economics, civics), arts and crafts, music and movement, and health. The Grade One Package is priced at $465. The Cousebooks cost $405.
Live Education

Live Education is a “true” Waldorf Curriculum for homeschoolers spanning the grades kindergarten through eighth grade. Live Education provides access to a consultation and online community, which helps customize your package to your family.
In Live Education’s Kindergarten Curriculum, you will learn how to bring traditional Waldorf education into your homeschool. You will be guided through watercolor painting, beeswax modeling, puppetry, circle time games and stories, and an in depth description of the festivals. With each season you will be given new stories, recipes, crafts and activities. The curriculum also includes a collection of fairytales and an in depth guide to navigating the first seven years of your child’s life and development. This is an extract taken from Rudolf Steiner’s lectures which discuss The Kingdom of Childhood. The Kindergarten curriculum is priced at $425.
First Grade
Live Education’s First Grade Curriculum consists of 8 sections; “Introduction to the First Year, Nature Science for the First Year,” “The Art of the Fairy Tale,” “Lessons in the Arts for the Elementary School Years,” “World of Numbers,” “Beginning with Form Drawing,” “From Moving and Speaking to Writing and Reading,” “Beginning Recorder Drama and Poetry,” and “From Imagination to Form – The Letters A to Z.” Math will be taught in all 4 processes (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.) The letters and letter sounds will be taught through stories and drawings. The First Grade Curriculum is priced at $445.

Christopherus is a Waldorf homeschool curriculum spanning from early years to ninth grade. Christopherus follows the pedology of Waldorf and anthropology, but adapts it to be taught in the home. Their FAQ states; “We believe fervently in the sanctity of childhood and in the rightness of “late” academics and therefore, as with all Waldorf schools, do not introduce academic work until 1st grade.”
Early Years (Preschool and Kindergarten)
Christopherus does not have a preschool or kindergarten “curriculum,” since academics such as the alphabet are not taught until first grade. They offer the book “Joyful Movement,” which provides games, songs and activities for children of various ages ($35). The book “The Journey Begins at Home” is a guide to the first seven years of a child’s life. This offers advice in many aspects of raising young children, such as weaning off of breastfeeding, guiding play and socialization, using the potty, discipline, separation and attachment, ect. This book is offered at a sliding income scale ($45-65.) The book “First Steps in the Journey: at Home with Children Aged 3-6) is a guide on the development of young children. You will learn how to choose books for your home, how to create a family rhythm, how to work in the kitchen with your child, ect. This book is offered at a sliding income scale ($45-65.)
First Grade
In First Grade, the child will learn upper and lowercase letters, letter sounds, nature science, cooking, math, and form drawing. Form drawing takes place before letters, developing confidence in drawing with crayons. The letters are taught through pictures and stories read aloud. The first grade curriculum is priced at $225.
Lavender’s Blue

Lavender’s Blue offers a full year curriculum from Kindergarten through Third Grade. Lavender’s Blue is Waldorf-inspired, meant to simplify the otherwise complex pedology.
Lavender’s Blue Kindergarten curriculum includes instruction for circle time, audio recordings of songs and verses, video lessons of painting, modeling and story telling, a collection of stories and seasonal crafts. The digital curriculum is priced at $267.
First Grade
In Lavender’s Blue First Grade curriculum, the child will learn the alphabet, knitting, recorder, math, form drawing, beeswax modeling and watercolor painting. The alphabet is taught through stories and letter drawings. The curriculum provides access to audio recordings of songs and verses, instructional knitting videos, recorder video training, and access to an online community. The digital curriculum is priced at $297.