Have you ever tried to set up a calm down corner in your home? Our calm down corner is utilized daily by my twin toddlers. My boys are just now learning emotional awareness and regulation. Our calm down corner provides them the space they need to quiet their mind and their body, and have some “time in.” All of the printables you see on this post is included in Acorn to Oak’s My Feelings Bundle.

What is a Calm Down Corner?
A calm down corner is a space in the home dedicated to promoting a sense of peace. This space should be as safe as possible; it should be a “yes space.” A yes space is an environment where the child can exist and move freely without being told “no.” This might mean removing objects that could be harmful to the child, or that have to used with direct supervision. Some parents may decide substitute “time out” with “time in.” The child can check in with themselves, notice how they are feeling within their body, and feel empowered by expressing their feelings. Ideally, you would try to direct the child to their calm down corner before their feelings become overwhelming. With time, they will learn to self-direct themselves to their space before becoming dysregulated. Depending on your child, you could make this an enclosed space, like inside of a play tent, or an open space, like a large comfy beanbag. My son is a sensory seeker, so ours includes a sensory swing.

Our Calm Down Corner uses lots of visuals. My kids are visual learners. They love to look at their Feelings Cards and practice their emotions in the mirror. They point to how their feeling on the Feelings Poster, and then point to an activity on their Calm Down Tools Poster.
Calm Down Basket
Our Calm Down Basket holds lots of fidget toys, books that promote emotional regulation, and play silks.

Pictured above are some of my son’s favorite toys for calming. I tried to incorporate all 5 senses into his basket.
- Magnatiles
- Pop Tubes
- Reversible Happy Grumpy Plush
- Whisper Phone
- Rubik’s Cube
- Bubble Hourglass (My son requested I draw a smiley man on his)
- Teething Bracelet or other Chewelry
- Wood Beads Toy (These make a super satisfying clicking sound)
- Owl Puppet (For acting out or talking though feelings)
- DIY Felt Tea Bags (Full of real tea, making them smell amazing!)
- Play Silks
Best of all, our most favorite calm down tool are these headphones! These are great because they can use bluetooth, FM radio, and MicroSD Card. I’ve loaded all of my son’s favorite songs and guided meditations from Cosmic Kids Yoga onto them. These are used the most out of anything!

Calm Down Books

- Breathing Makes it Better (This one is my absolute favorite!)
- Meddy Teddy: A Mindful Journey
- Meddy Teddy: Mindful Poses for Little Yogis
- Breathe like a Bear
- My Many Colored Days
- Yoga Bear
- Yoga Whale
- Yoga Bug
Calm Down Corner Printables

What’s included in My Feelings Printable Bundle?
This downloadable bundle includes:
14 Feelings Flash Cards (4.25 x 5.5 inches)
17 Emotional Regulation Activity Cards (4.25 x 5.5 inches)
“My Feelings” and “How I Feel” Posters
“I Can Calm My Body” and “My Calm Down Tools” Posters
“My Affirmations” and “Blank My Affirmations” Posters
“When I Feel… I Can…” Worksheet