I love to give my kids handmade toys whenever I can. These felt tea bags are the perfect sensory and imaginative toy. Because they have dried herbs in them, they have a wonderful smell which creates an immersive imaginative experience. My son is obsessed with plants, and I wanted to make something that reflected their interests. I’ve added these to their sensory box. I pull out their sensory toys whenever they are starting to feel irritated or anxious. I originally saw this craft on @twentiventi’s story on instagram, which was inspired by her friend, so I tried to create my version of it.

I filled my sachets with chamomile, lavender and calendula. You may use whatever teas or herbs you have at home.
Crafting Instructions
- Cut the felt into the shape shown above. Cut small rectangles for the tags.
- Embroider the flowers or herbs onto the felt. Tie one long piece of string into the inside of the felt.
- Embroider the tags, fold in half, and stitch the edges, leaving a small gap to attach to the string.
- Fill the sachet with herbs and fold.
- Stitch around the edge tightly to ensure that the herbs cannot get out of the sachet.
- Leave the string sticking out of the sachet.
- Attach the tag to the long string on the sachet.